The first section of the filter in the data file settings allows you to specify which orders to export.


By default, 

  • Order Status is set to Open  
  • Fulfillment Status to Any  
  • Financial Status to Any
  • Order Risk to Any

  • Date Range 
    You can set the order date range if you have a certain time frame that you would like to export. 

  • Order Since
    You can enable this option to choose the days of your orders. It will also be ignored if you set the date range. This option is based on exporting at the current time. By default, it will state 10 days. 

  •  Only Export Newer Orders
    You can enable this option to export orders that have not been exported using Exportible before. 

You can change those settings according to your preference. 

In the  Filter by Columns section, you can add multiple filters to be included or excluded in the export.

  • Choose the column name from the list provided and input the value in the column value. Then, choose to include/exclude for Export.
  • You can also apply and/or conditions to all include filters.

  • The column value supports the wildcardFor example, if you input this Shirt*, all values beginning with Shirt will be affected (e.g., Shirt blue, Shirt red, Shirt green, etc.)

For example:

(a) You would like to have order tags - Success and Fullfillment Status - Fullfilled only to be filtered. Then you can use the and condition.

Outcome: Exported only with order tags Success and fullfillment status as Fulfilled

(b) You would like to have order tags - success & exported and Fullfillment Status - Fullfilled only to be filtered. Then you can use the or condition.

Outcome: Exported all the order tags with success, exported and fullfillment status Fulfilled

In the  Advanced Settings (Sorting) section, you can add multiple alternate export values.

For example:

When the Billing Country is set as the US and you would like to change it to the United States.

  • One order per row 
    Enabling this option allows you to merge the order to one column instead of exporting one order item per row. 

  • Compress same column Value 
    To avoid showing repeated values, each order item is in the same order.

  • Sort by Field 
    You can use this function to sort the field by Created At, Updated At, and Order ID.

  • Sort direction 
    You can use this function to sort in ascending and descending directions.